This script Will be a part of []bazßot[] v2.Ø made by Ronny 1996 © the carrent script was made by baz`oo`ka. All you need to do is to add the folowing in to the indicated section of tools Note. This script is basicly made for a bot, so to Lock and Unlock the topic the user goto have atleast level 400, allsow a person with level 100 and up can check to see if a topic lock is setted. *** mIRC v4.7 ONLY! *** Remote Events: 1:on text:!lock:#: { if ($level($address($nick,3)) < 400) { msg $chan Sorry $nick but you dont have enough access for that command. } else { set %topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $chan($chan).topic notice $chan Topic Set For $chan $+ : $chan($chan).topic } } 1:on text:!unlock:#: { if ($level($address($nick,3)) < 400) { msg $chan sorry $nick but you dont have enough access for that command. } else { /notice $chan Topic Lock is _-Off-_ | unset %topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ] } } 100:on text:!showlock:#: { if (%topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ] != $null) { notice $chan Topic Set for $chan $+ : %topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ] } else { notice $chan No Topic is set. } } !1:ON TOPIC:#: { if %topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $null { halt } elseif ($chan($chan).topic != %topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ]) { notice $chan Topic Lock Is _-On-_ /topic $chan %topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ] } :annoy if ($nick !isin %annoyer) && ($nick !isin %annoyer1) { set %annoyer %annoyer $nick | timer 1 300 /unset %annoyer* } elseif ($nick isin %annoyer) && ($nick !isin %annoyer1) { set %annoyer1 %annoyer1 $nick } elseif ($nick isin %annoyer1) { unset %annoyer1 %annoyer | ban -u300 $chan $nick 3 | kick $chan $nick §»¡«§ []bazßot[] The Topic Lock iS On.. WhiCh Part DidNt You Get?? CoMe BaCk iN FiVe MiNuTeS WheN You FeeL Like You Can BeHave! []bazßot[] §»¡«§ } } 1:on op:#: { if ($opnick != $me) { halt } else { if (%topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ] == $chan($chan).topic) { halt } elseif (%topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ] != $null) { topic $chan %topic [ $+ [ $chan ] ] } } }   À!ð     F     Þ ù  ÿÿÿÿ ù ÿÿ  € y  € y  (  Times New Roman Symbol & Arial € ÷ ÷  € €÷  "  € Ð h ps †ps †   . fjgksag Randy Ross Randy Ross